Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Articles Information
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.7, No.3, Sep. 2021, Pub. Date: Aug. 20, 2021
Research on Educational Games in Childhood Teaching
Pages: 158-161 Views: 1022 Downloads: 181
[01] Keqin Wang, Kindergarten of Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng, China.
As people pay more attention to preschool education and improve teaching conditions, many kindergartens have begun to use educational games for teaching. The use of educational games is in line with the characteristics of children's psychological development, can greatly mobilize and satisfy children's curiosity, and play a good transitional role in the process of children's intellectual development according to the level of knowledge from shallow to deep, from low to high. It has a positive effect on children's attention, observation, memory, emotion and other non-intellectual factors. This article elaborates on the application advantages of using educational games in preschool teaching, and points out the responsibilities and identities of preschool teachers in the process of educational games. This article explains the practical significance of using educational games in preschool teaching, and summarizes the research results and conclusions of the use of educational games in preschool teaching at home and abroad. The teacher's identity in teaching should be an observer, a supporter, and a guide, not a commander. Teachers should give themselves a certain amount of observation time when intervening in children's games, so as to understand children's interests and needs more deeply, and guide children's games in a targeted manner. At the same time, in the process of applying educational games, it should be both educational and entertaining, and truly entertaining. Only in this way can we make educational games play a greater role in children's teaching.
Educational Games, Childhood Teaching, Childhood Games
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