Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: May 18, 2015
The Concept of Islamic Education Curriculum: The Study of Tawhid in Al-Islam Pesantren Lamongan Indonesia
Pages: 98-104 Views: 4716 Downloads: 3840
[01] Din Muhammad Zakariya, Doctoral Program in Islamic Education, University of Muhammadiyah, Malang East Java, Indonesia.
This research aims to: 1) study the urgency of tawhid as the base of Islamic education; ) study the concept of tawhid education curriculum in Al-Islam Pesantren; 3) study the role of tawhid education in forming militant Muslim. This research used qualitative research. The results shows that, firstly: Islamic education is a conscious effort to guide humans to have a strong faith physically, mentally, and spiritually, as well as intelligent, noble, and have the important and useful skills for themselves, their communities, and environment. Secondly, Islamic education should be based on the concept of tawhid because it includes the doctrinal implications that the goal of human life must be within the framework of worship to Allah. The doctrine is the key of all Islamic teachings. Therefore, from this concept of tawhid the very important standard would emerge in the concept of Islamic education, namely moral standard (value standard) of which the essence is good-bad and right-wrong. The referred value standard must be very clear, namely revelation. What are instructed by Allah must be good and what is forbidden by Allah must be bad. What is true according to Allah, indeed it is true and what is wrong according to Allah indeed it is wrong. Thirdly, Al-Islam Pesantren includes a pesantren, which makes tawhid as an educational base. It is stated in the curriculum and the learning process in pesantren.
Tawhid, Al-Islam Pesantren, Tawhid-Based Education
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