Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: May 20, 2015
Constructions of Masculinity Among the Akan People of Ghana
Pages: 131-137 Views: 4446 Downloads: 2040
[01] Mary A. S. Owusu, Department of History, Faculty of Arts, College of Humanities & Legal Studies, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
[02] Lawrence Bosiwah, Dept of Ghanaian Languages & Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, College of Humanities & Legal Studies, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana.
This paper contests Butler’s theory of gender performativity established on the premise that gender is made real through the constant enactment of certain behaviours that are learnt. Butler posits that, gender can be defined as something people do rather than a biological quality they possess. The theory ultimately supports the principle of gender neutrality often argued by gay and lesbian activists and queer theorists. Using evidence from Akan constructions of masculinity, the paper supports the conventional view that gender is primarily biological and that people perform their social roles based on their biological make up. A major highlight of the paper is the events leading to the election of Barima Kwame Kyeretwie as Asantehene Prempeh II in 1931 and the resolution of destoolment charges brought against him by some Asante youth in 1935. The paper concludes that in gender categorization, social construction is not abstract but is premised on biology which should be the primary determinant of a person’s gender.
Gender Performativity, Gender Neutrality, Akan Masculinity
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