Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol.1, No.4, Sep. 2015, Pub. Date: Jun. 17, 2015
Hotel Lighting to Enhance Guest Safety and Security
Pages: 323-331 Views: 4895 Downloads: 5900
[01] Paulette R. Hebert, Oklahoma State University, Department of Design, Housing and Merchandising, Stillwater, USA.
[02] Yeasun Chung, Oklahoma State University, School of Hotel Restaurant Administration, Stillwater, USA.
[03] Lisa Slevitch, Oklahoma State University, School of Hotel Restaurant Administration, Stillwater, USA.
[04] Jerrold Leong, Oklahoma State University, School of Hotel Restaurant Administration, Stillwater, USA.
Appropriate lighting can contribute to an improvement in public safety and security that is critical for achieving and maintaining a competitive posture anticipated to result in lodging industry prosperity and vitality. This survey elicited ratings from a convenience sample of managers and employees in a variety of metropolitan lodging environments regarding the importance level of lighting used to accentuate hotel properties’ image, and their perceptions of how well the lodging properties performed in providing lighting in specific areas. The survey identified five major lighting areas, and six subcategories, resulting in identifying 30 dimensions that are related to lighting areas of emphasis. Respondents were queried regarding perceived importance and performance of existing safety and security lighting at hotel entries, paths and walkways, exterior stairs and paths of egress, parking lots/garages, dumpster/trash areas and recreation areas. The gap analysis between importance and performance indicated where the lighting needed to be improved or which areas were illuminated more than was needed. The findings suggest that research should be conducted to explore how re-lamping of existing fixtures may result in energy-savings and cost-savings through energy usage monitoring systems able to isolate energy usage and energy conservation within hotel properties.
Hotel, Lodging, Safety, Security, Lighting, Guest, Survey, Performance
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