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Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Vol.5, No.1, Mar. 2019, Pub. Date: Oct. 11, 2019
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Breast Cancer Screening Among Female Nurses of Dubai Health Authority
Pages: 1-5 Views: 1822 Downloads: 446
Mariam Abdelkarim Abdallah Al Helabi, Medical Education and Research Department, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Sarah Sultan Al Suwaidi, Medical Education and Research Department, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Mona Al Rasasi, Medical Education and Research Department, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Waleed Al Faisal, Public Health Protection Department, Dubai Healthcare Corporation, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Breast cancer is one of the most frequent cancers among women in both developed and developing countries. Breast cancer screening can reduce morbidity and mortality and improve the survival rate for this malignancy. Screening awareness and adequate practice ca be a crucial factor in control measures. The objective of this study is to assess breast cancer screening knowledge, attitudes and practices among DHA female nurses of screening. A cross sectional study will be implemented among DHA female nurses in 2018. The study was implemented within DHA (PHC and hospitals). Participants are DHA female nurses. With 95% confidence level, the sample required sample size is 357 female nurses. Breast CAM tool will be used for this purpose. Data were collected by face to face interview. Researchers were be responsible for data collection, data entry and cleaning. Data was analysed using SPSS 21. Frequencies were generated for univariate analysis, cross tabulation for bivariate analysis were generated, chi squared was used to test the hypothesis, and logistic regression was used for multi variated analysis. Awareness regarding alarming signals ranged from 45% to 86% according to the signal. Regarding “confidence in noticing a change in their breasts’ most of the participants (43.5%) were fairly confident, while only 3% were not at all confident. The study explained the most of the participants (70.9%) are not registered with a family doctor. Those who are registered with a family doctor are only 17.1%. Most of the participants also (73.9%) were not invited for breast screening by DHA Breast Screening Program. Those who are invited are only 14.7%. Regarding how often they check their breasts, 39.1% check at least once a month, and 8.6% check at least once a week. Regarding “Ever been to see a doctor about a change they have notices in one of their breasts” 18.4% did this. Level of knowledge regarding alarming signals of breast cancer is relatively low. Ranging from 45% to 86% according to the signal make it important to plan for raising awareness regarding these signals as the knowledge may contribute to the efforts of prevention. The participants were not adequately confident in noticing a change in their breasts. More training and demonstration are needed. Practices are not adequately fulfilled. Health services are need to be empowered to increase adequate practices and appropriate utilization. Further studies are needed to study the associated factors and establish the direction of causality.
Awareness, Breast Cancer, Breast CAM, Female Nurses, Dubai
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