American Journal of Mobile Systems, Applications and Services
Journal Introduction
American Journal of Mobile Systems, Applications and Services is a fully refereed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all areas of mobile systems, applications and services. It takes a broad systems perspective rather than focus narrowly on low-level components. Of particular interest are technical contributions that enable new and compelling mobile scenarios and applications. All papers published in this journal contain rational thoughts as well as the summary of practice. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
Aims and Scope
Mobile Cellular Networks
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mobile Internet
WiMax Networks
Vehicular Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks
Satellite Communications Systems
Mobile System and Network Architectures
Network Control and Management
Mobility Management
Modulation and Coding Techniques
Reliability and Fault Tolerance
Security and Privacy
Mobile Applications and Services
Performance Modeling and Analysis
MA 02210, USA
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