Journal of Robotics, Computer Vision and Graphics
Journal Introduction
Journal of Robotics, Computer Vision and Graphics is an international journal for publication of new ideas, the state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of robotics, computer vision and graphics. The journal provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of robotics, computer vision and graphics. It aims to facilitate and support research related to robotics, computer vision and graphics as well as their applications. This online publication platform is open access to all readers as part of commitment to global scientific society.
Aims and Scope
3D Vision/Perception
Alternative Eyes
Augmented Reality
Biological Vision
Computational Geometry
Computational Photography
Computer Animation
Computer Games and Animation
Computer Graphics and Simulation
Computer Graphics in Industry
Computer Vision
Data Compression for Graphics
Flow Visualization
Geometric Computing
Graphic Toolkits
Graphics Systems Architecture
Image Based Rendering
Image Matching
Interaction and HCI
Interactive Computational Models
Modeling and Surfaces
Multimedia and Digital Media
Multi-sensory Data Fusion
Multivariate Visualization
Parallel Computer Vision
Pattern/Face Recognition
Physically Based Modeling
Point-based Graphics
Rendering Techniques
Scientific Visualization
Shape and Surface Modeling
Shape/Range/Motion Analysis
Signal/Image Processing
Stylized Rendering
User Interfaces
Virtual Reality
Visualization Systems and Software
Visualization Techniques and Methodologies
Volume Visualization
Web Graphics
MA 02210, USA
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