American Journal of Mobile Systems, Applications and Services
Articles Information
American Journal of Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, Vol.1, No.1, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 23, 2015
Construction of Trusted Computing Platform Based on Android System
Pages: 54-58 Views: 3782 Downloads: 1066
[01] Hui Zhang, College of Information Engineering, Taishan Medical University, Taian, China.
[02] Defeng Sun, College of Information Engineering, Taishan Medical University, Taian, China.
[03] Yanli Xiao, College of Information Engineering, Taishan Medical University, Taian, China.
[04] Lei Peng, College of Information Engineering, Taishan Medical University, Taian, China.
With the widespread use of Android mobile phones, the problems of security of phone become increasingly prominent. The Java technology architecture for trusted computing is a trend to solve the above problems. Through the analysis of the current Java platform trusted computing architecture and the security of Android operating system, the trusted platform architecture based on Android and Java is proposed. The mobile trusted modules are implemented by combining the trusted chip and related software such as protocol and algorithm, trusted chip API, computing library API, and computing function library. In this architecture, by analyzing the feasibility of each module, the mobile platform to be verified is trusted.
Trusted Computing, Android, Mobile Terminal, Mobile Trusted Module
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